Monday, December 7, 2009

Decorating with Clear Mini Lights and Sheer Curtains

I love my cottage style home. We’ve been blessed to live in the country for some time now and have slowly worked on making our cottage

style home the most inviting and peaceful place it can possibly be for not only us, but friends and family too.

To help me in my search for ideas on decorating, I visit my local library every week. I found a book on interior décor that sparked my imagination. Our home has several sets of sheer curtains because we don’t want to block the natural light into the house. The idea I saw inspired me to try clear mini lights in my windows. I could have purchased several sets of single string clear mini light, but I stumbled across a site online called Christmas Light Source and they had curtain style clear mini lights!

These are great for hanging in our long windows. At night, we like to pull the sheer curtains and then turn on the mini lights. The effect is so beautiful! It’s like sparkles of light coming through the sheer fabric. And during the day, it’s easy to pull the sheers and clear mini lights back with a simple tie back.

So glad I found these curtain style clear mini lights!

You want more information about Clear Mini Lights ? Watch this video.